Marlo rain boots are the brainchild of Devonport friends Nicky Robinson and Kate Moffat.

The idea came about while cheering their young kids on at the football field with cold feet and wet sneakers.

“We were sick of destroying our sneakers in the mud and soon realised there was a real gap in the market for a comfortable, affordable and stylish gumboot that didn’t look out of place in an urban setting” - Nicky Robinson and Kate Moffat, Co-Founders.

With Marlo, they have created a new footwear staple. The all-weather boots have a rubber exterior and cosy, sherpa lining to keep your feet warm and dry. 

Three years ago, Marlo production was moved from China to Sri Lanka, with the goal of making a more sustainable, forest-friendly rain boot. This dream was achieved with the recent FSC certification of all the rubber used to make the Marlo range.

“FSC certification and the Fashion Forever Green Pact is our way of verifying to our customers that every step of the supply chain is committed to the environment and improving people’s lives. So when our customers step out in their Marlos, they can feel good about the lighter footprint they are leaving.”







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