Marlo Sustainability

Marlo’s Forest-Friendly Rain Boots Support Sustainable Forestry

When you step out in your new Marlos, you can do so knowing you are treading lightly on the planet.   That’s because our boots are made using responsibly sourced natural rubber from Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)-certified forests.  

The range is the first in New Zealand to attain FSCForestStewardship Council® (FSC® ®) certification - the world’s most trusted marker of responsible sustainable forestry - https://anz.fsc.org/

FSC certification ensures that the rubber used to make our boots is responsibly sourced from sustainably managed forests. This demonstrates our unwavering commitment to combatting deforestation by supporting forests that protect vital ecosystems, endangered species, and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities reliant on forests.

While many gumboots are made from synthetic rubber, a by-product of the oil industry, or from natural rubber that is often linkedto deforestation, habitat loss and human rights issues, we're doing things differently. Our gumboots are designed in New Zealand and made in Sri Lanka, using 100% natural rubber that's sustainably sourced from forests certified by FSC. The rubber is carefully ‘tapped’ from the Hevea trees, in a process that preserves the natural life cycle of the tree.

Marlo proudly stands as the first-ever New Zealand company to sign the Fashion Forever Green Pact, an initiative spearheaded by FSC, rallying the fashion industry to urgently prioritise responsible sourcing for the preservation of global forests.

By using FSC-certified rubber in our rain boots and becoming the first New Zealand organisation to sign the Fashion Forever Green Pact, we demonstrate to our customers our commitment to preserving the world’s forests and enhancing the lives of both people and wildlife that are reliant on them.




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